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Main » 2012 » May » 25 » AMD Opteron Bermain di “Awan”
1:48 PM
AMD Opteron Bermain di “Awan”
Solusi baru untuk web atau komputasi awan datang dari AMD. Melalui Opteron seri 3200, AMD menawarkan keandalan bagi para pelanggan web hosting kelas enterprise.

Prosesor teranyar AMD ini diklaim memiliki nilai kerja yang lebih baik hingga 38 persen dan hemat biaya hingga 19 persen dibandingkan yang lain.

Selain itu, Opteron 3200 juga menggunakan memori EEC dan feature keandalan server yang lebih rendah. Kecepatan balik modal yang ditawarkan pun cukup menggiurkan, hanya membutuhkan waktu 7 (tujuh) bulan. Jangka waktu ini diklaim lebih cepat 14 persen dibandingkan yang lain. 

Para pelanggan web dan komputasi awan tidak perlu lagi berkompromi dengan platform kelas desktop guna mendapatkan harga lebih terjangkau. Platform AMD Opteron seri 3000 ini nantinya ditargetkan untuk menyasar pasar web hosting/web serving yang padat dan memiliki efisiensi daya 1P.

Prosesor AMD Opteron seri 3200 akan tersedia dalam 4 maupun 8 core, saat ini sudah dalam pengiriman dan ada dalam platform MSI, Tyan, Fujitsu, dan Dell.

Platform AMD Opteron seri 3000 ini mengusung soket AM3+ dan membuat konsumen dapat menghemat biaya yang diasosiasikan dengan infrastruktur layaknya desktop, namun tetap menawarkan keandala kelas server, validasi/pengujian silikon kelas enterprise, feature keamanan, serta sertifikasi server OS.

Category: Hardware | Views: 1559 | Added by: JMC | Tags: AMD Opteron | Rating: 4.8/4
Total comments: 1
1 Mohan  
We did a 9 month trip across 5 cotninents and took several thousand photos along the way. This is what we did Bring at least 2 memory cards. When one is almost full, start looking for a photo store or internet cafe to copy it to a DVD. You'll find them in the most unlikely places Mongolia, Cuba, you might have to look for a few days but they're everywhere. Mail the DVD home to family or friends and store the full card safely with your passport. When you receive an email that the DVD has arrived and is in working order you can format the old memory card and recycle it.We had one DVD that was water damaged when it arrived, so keeping the full card safe until you get the okay is an important backup measure.To be even safer, have your relative or friend copy everything to a hard drive when it arrives.We also brought along an extra battery for the camera because we weren't always able to recharge stuff once or twice a week.Oh, and don't forget to upload the occasional picture to a website for the folks back home. Fishmeister's alternatives don't strike me as very practical or sound.Uploading a few gigs at an internet cafe would have taken ages in pretty much every country we visited.And keeping all the DVDs or memory cards in your bag risks losing everything. In Chile we did lose one bag. Passport, camera and all. Fortunately out little routine meant that the only pictures we lost were the ones still on the camera.P.S. if you're constantly traveling, you're right about leaving the laptop at home. It's just one more thing to charge and keep your eyes on. Was this answer helpful?

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